Competitive-Intelligence — (CI), zu deutsch etwa „Konkurrenz /Wettbewerbsforschung, analyse, beobachtung, (früh)aufklärung“, bezeichnet die systematische, andauernde und legale Sammlung und Auswertung von Informationen über Konkurrenzunternehmen, Wettbewerbsprodukte,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Competitive Intelligence — (CI), zu deutsch etwa „Konkurrenz /Wettbewerbsforschung, analyse, beobachtung, (früh)aufklärung“, bezeichnet die systematische, andauernde und legale Sammlung und Auswertung von Informationen über Konkurrenzunternehmen, Wettbewerbsprodukte,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
competitive intelligence — comˌpetitive inˈtelligence also comˌpetitor inˈtelligence noun [uncountable] MARKETING the process of finding, analyzing, and using information about businesses that are competing with you, or the information that has been obtained from this… … Financial and business terms
Competitive intelligence — A broad definition of competitive intelligence is the action of defining, gathering, analyzing, and distributing intelligence about products, customers, competitors and any aspect of the environment needed to support executives and managers in… … Wikipedia
competitive intelligence — /kəmˌpetɪtɪv ɪn telɪdʒəns/ noun information, especially information concerning the plans, activities, and products of its competitors, that an organisation gathers and analyses in order to make itself more competitive (NOTE: Competitive… … Marketing dictionary in english
Competitive Intelligence — Veille concurrentielle La veille concurrentielle est définie ainsi selon Daniel Rouach : « Elle permet aussi de pister les démarches actives, déploiements vers d autres secteurs d activités, fausses pistes et leurres destinés à égarer… … Wikipédia en Français
Competitive intelligence — Veille concurrentielle La veille concurrentielle est définie ainsi selon Daniel Rouach : « Elle permet aussi de pister les démarches actives, déploiements vers d autres secteurs d activités, fausses pistes et leurres destinés à égarer… … Wikipédia en Français
Fuld-Gilad-Herring Academy of Competitive Intelligence — The Fuld Gilad Herring Academy of Competitive Intelligence was established in 1996 as first of its kind global educational organization solely dedicated to bringing professional training to the then fledgling field of competitive intelligence… … Wikipedia
Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals — IntroductionThe Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) is a global nonprofit membership organization designed to enhance the skills of knowledge professionals in order to help their companies. Its mission is to enhance the… … Wikipedia
Institut für Competitive Intelligence — Institutsleiter: Rainer Michaeli Fachbeirat: Prof. Dr. C. S. Fleisher, Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer Dozenten: 24 Gründungsjahr: 2004 Ort: Butzb … Deutsch Wikipedia
Institute for Competitive Intelligence — The Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) was founded to provide post graduate professionals a solid and flexible CI training program to become a certified CI Professional.It is one of the three post graduate certification programes in the … Wikipedia